Thursday 4 March 2010

Justin Rose

Is it true that Ive heard Justin Rose is still to win a PGA tour event? I think I caught the tail-end of a SKY sports report the other day and Im sure I heard that. Seems hard to believe.

The Day After

Thursday morning, nice crisp fresh Scottish morning, and Im taking stock of whats left regarding my golf. Am thinking that the only place I have to play is Blair Atholl. I've nothing against Blair Atholl, it's a difficult course, so should improve my game. Difficult to find anywhere to practise though as it means a 15 mile round trip every day, or every other day, and there's no practice facilities at Blair Atholl either. There's Strathtay but Im not a member there. Finally the 50 mile round trip to Noahs Ark in Perth to practise on their driving range. THATS why Im very dissapointed with Pitlochry, a practise ground less than 2 mins drive away and made not available to me by pettiness.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Well, thats that then !

Well..after my respectful request to Pitlochry Golf Club to ensure there wouldnt be a problem with me taking a little practise on their practise field during the time I have been forced into not being a member, imagine my surprise and anger when I recieved an email from club captain saying a decision had been made by a Mr Carruthers saying 'no' I wasnt allowed on their practise ground.

So Ive played my last game at Pitlochry.

Im not stupid enough to not realise this decision of theirs hasnt been borne out by my golf blog posts about the golf club and certain aspects of it during the last 12 months, all based upon what Ive seen and wanted to exercise my right to express my dissapointment at amateurism. But thats okay, Im bigger than that. I really could stitch up their midweek comps if wanted, but no, I wish the club every success, its a fabulous course.

Monday 1 March 2010

Ohh Dear

Well, its been a while since I posted anything here. Been a while since I played golf actually. Reluctantly had to forego my Pitlochry subs this year. Just cannot afford the money. Actually cannot afford anything right now. Cant believe less than 2 years ago my wife and I were sitting reasonably pretty financially. Now , less than 2 years later we are penniless and living week to week, sometimes day to day. All to do with something that neither of us had any control over and caused by someone else. Golf has had to take a back seat. Ex-wife to blame. She ran up debts of over £44k on our joint x 4 credit cards and disspeared. Used our credit cards after I left her to max out on all 4 of them. I didnt know. Now I do, all the creditors knocking on our door wanting money from me over something Ive never had anything to do with. A crap situation. Had to use all the money we had. All savings gone. How many of my blog watchers could live on less than £60 a week , no longer a penny in the bank, no savings to draw on and have to buy food and fuel out of that ??? Well, welcome to whats been my world for the last 18 months.

Even my work has dried up, here in Scotland. Never a problem in 16 years in England, but up here? nothing anymore, so last money I earned was Jan 1st , next booking is Dec 25th, lovely. If it wasnt so bad it would be laughable with all my core skills.

Soooooooooooooooooooooo...I will miss my golf at Pitlochry. Was REALLY looking forward to it. Now, I just sit at home here and watch tv, or hop on the 'net. Would rather be enjoying practising on the course.

Monday 22 February 2010

Well, at long last Im back blogging

Hi my faithful blog watchers. A few things I want to comment on . Firstly, and due to lack of finances I have relucatanly decided to forego my 2010 membership at Pitlochry Golf Club. A real bummer as I regard Pitlochry as my home course and had big plans there for 2010. But, I am at the moment not working and the £60 per month for 6 months is just an expense we cannot afford. I have Blair Atholl to play at, and Im intending to utilise my complimentary membership to the full as I need to practise.
As for golf, well, played the 1st PRAGS outing last week at Drumoig Golf Club. Finished in 6th place with a paltry 23 points. But had a couple of reasonable holes. This chipping problem isnt getting better, so Ive been practising hard doing one-handed chips. Amazingly enough I seem to be able to play those and have been practising control on my back lawn. Eventually, IF I get consistent enough doing chips one handed, I will gradually introduce my left hand back onto the club.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Still The Same

I played twice over the last couple of days. Once at Blair Atholl in the Longdon Trophy on Sunday, and in the Wednesday Winter League today at Blair Atholl.
I am fed up with coming off the course dissapointed. I once again didnt break 100 today. My golf is crap and I dont know what to do about it. This has been going on for 18 months now, and unles something happens soon I am going to have another 12 months of feeling like this. Fact is that in 2008 I played 29 tournaments at Pitlochry and got my handicap down to 11. Through the winter of 2008/2009 my game started to deteriorate to the extent that my confidence is so low that in 2009 I played just 7 tournaments at Pitlochry and only broke 100 twice. Handicap is 14 now but realistically I am playing to 25-27ish. I just dont know . I DO know the little chips shots that I CANNOT do anymore are a major contribution to my decline. Ive tried lessons, no good. Ive practised hour upon hour, day upon day on my own to rectify the chip shots, still no good.
So what to do ? Maybe I will play as many medals, comps etc that I can both at Blair Athol & Pitlochry and let my handicap slide back to the level Im playing and start all over again. Sooo damn dissapointing and frustrating.

Monday 25 January 2010

2010 Intro @ Pitlochry

Just been up to Pitlochry golf course this morning to hand in my subscription monthly payment scheme form. The course looks green and little bits of snow. Still closed though, evidently there are bad areas up the top end of the course. Hopefully it may be open tomorrow when I am going to try and get a game.